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Abstract Ceiling


Support Employee Benefits & HR Needs

  • Be available to respond to questions regarding the plan, claims and eligibility

  • Keep clients ahead of the curve by notifying them of changes to the law regarding issues that will directly impact their businesses

  • Provide HR and benefits monthly newsletter and online HR library

  • Provide summary of major required health plan notices 

  • Provide customer support throughout the plan year related to matters such as enrollment changes, claims and insurance I.D. cards

  • Provide support when COBRA issues come up (or mini-COBRA needs, depending on your state)

Research & Analyze Group Benefit Needs & Physician Networks

  • Review current plans and level of satisfaction

  • Determine key person’s objectives

  • Collect census

Help With Open Enrollment Issues & Facilitate Renewal & Eligibility Verification

  • Provide support at open enrollment time, including explaining choices and assisting enrollment

  • Provide explanation of renewal

  • Design plan alternatives in line with budget and priorities

Survey The Marketplace For Appropriate Plans And Carriers

  • Analyze available carriers and plans

  • Evaluate and compare plans inside and outside of the Health Insurance Exchange

  • Confirm that key person’s physicians are in proposed network

Deliver Latest Info On Health Care Reform

  • Provide guidance on requirements and notices

  • Summarize key compliance deadlines and delays

  • Email special alerts when requirements change

  • Provide annual checklist for each year’s requirements

Provide Resources to Maintain Wrap SPDS & Wrap Plan Documents

Provide resources for the following...

  • Wrap Summary Plan Description to comply with ERISA requirements 

  • Prepare Wrap Plan Document to comply with ERISA requirements

  • Provide amended Wrap Documents in the event of any changes to ERISA-required provisions or material changes to plan information and benefits

  • Provide distribution guidelines for Wrap SPDs.

  • Click here to access resources.

And More...

Reach out to Kevin V. Pelletier, Group Benefits & Consultant, to learn more about what we can do for you and your business. 

Kevin V. Pelletier, Group Benefits Consultant
(505) 888-4421 ext. 24
7105 Prospect Pl NE, ABQ NM 87110

© 2022 Kevin V. Pelletier. Designed by Burgeon Creative, LLC

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