Support Employee Benefits & HR Needs
Be available to respond to questions regarding the plan, claims and eligibility
Keep clients ahead of the curve by notifying them of changes to the law regarding issues that will directly impact their businesses
Provide HR and benefits monthly newsletter and online HR library
Provide summary of major required health plan notices
Provide customer support throughout the plan year related to matters such as enrollment changes, claims and insurance I.D. cards
Provide support when COBRA issues come up (or mini-COBRA needs, depending on your state)
Research & Analyze Group Benefit Needs & Physician Networks
Review current plans and level of satisfaction
Determine key person’s objectives
Collect census
Help With Open Enrollment Issues & Facilitate Renewal & Eligibility Verification
Provide support at open enrollment time, including explaining choices and assisting enrollment
Provide explanation of renewal
Design plan alternatives in line with budget and priorities
Survey The Marketplace For Appropriate Plans And Carriers
Analyze available carriers and plans
Evaluate and compare plans inside and outside of the Health Insurance Exchange
Confirm that key person’s physicians are in proposed network
Deliver Latest Info On Health Care Reform
Provide guidance on requirements and notices
Summarize key compliance deadlines and delays
Email special alerts when requirements change
Provide annual checklist for each year’s requirements
Provide Resources to Maintain Wrap SPDS & Wrap Plan Documents
Provide resources for the following...
Wrap Summary Plan Description to comply with ERISA requirements
Prepare Wrap Plan Document to comply with ERISA requirements
Provide amended Wrap Documents in the event of any changes to ERISA-required provisions or material changes to plan information and benefits
Provide distribution guidelines for Wrap SPDs.
Click here to access resources.